Novembre 2024 | The Land of Safari

Sogni un viaggio in Kenya? Immagina di immergerti nella natura selvaggia e di incontrare i Big Five dei safari: elefanti, leoni, rinoceronti, bufali e leopardi.
Novembre 2024 | The Land of Safari

The Land of Safari

In Africa, including Kenya, the Big Five game animals are the lion, the leopard, the rhinoceros, the elephant, and the African buffalo. The term was coined by big-game hunters to refer to the five most difficult animals in Africa to hunt on foot but is now more widely used by game-viewing tourists and safari tour operators.



The African bush elephant (loxodonta africana) and the African forest elephant (loxodonta cyclotis) are the largest extant land-based animals. Elephants are herbivores with thick, almost hairless skin; a long, flexible, prehensile trunk; upper incisors forming long, curved, ivory tusks; and large, fan-shaped ears. Elephants are difficult to hunt because, despite their large size, they are able to hide in thick bush and are more likely to charge than the other Big Five species. They become aggressive when their young are threatened.



The black rhinoceros (diceros bicornis) and the white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum) are large herbivores with two upright horns on their nasal bridge. The black rhino and the white rhino both are subject to extensive poaching. Among Big Five game hunters, the black rhinoceros is more highly prized.


African buffalo

The African buffalo (syncerus caffer) is a large horned bovine. The Cape buffalo (syncerus caffer caffer) is considered by many to be the most dangerous of any of the Big Five: buffaloes have reportedly been known to ambush and attack humans.



The lion (panthera leo) is a large, carnivorous feline found in both Africa and northwestern India. It has a short, tawny coat; a tufted tail; and, in the male, a heavy mane around the neck and shoulders. As a large and charismatic apex predator with cultural significance, lions are among the most popular species to view on safari tours.



The leopard (panthera pardus) is a large, carnivorous feline. Its fur is generally tawny with dark rosette-shaped markings. The leopard is the most seldom seen of the Big Five because of its nocturnal habits (it is most active between sunset and sunrise, although it may hunt during the day in some areas), and because it is wary of humans and will take flight in the face of danger. Leopards can be located in the grasslands, dense brushes, deserts, and forested areas of African savannas.


Africa’s Big Five have become major concerns for wildlife conservationists in recent years. The African lion and African leopard are both classified as vulnerable. The African savanna elephant is listed as endangered. The southern white rhinoceros and African buffalo are classified as near threatened while the black rhinoceros is classified as critically endangered.



game: (aggettivo) da caccia;

to coin: (verbo) coniare;

a species: (sostantivo) una specie;

bush: (aggettivo) della savana, della foresta;

extant: (aggettivo) esistente, vivo;

land-based: (aggettivo) terrestre;

a trunk: (sostantivo) una proboscide;

a tusk: (sostantivo) una zanna;

fan-shaped: (aggettivo) a ventaglio;

to charge: (verbo) caricare;

the young: (sostantivo) la prole, i cuccioli;

upright: (aggettivo) verticale;

a horn: (sostantivo) un corno;

a nasal bridge: (sostantivo) il dorso nasale;

subject: (aggettivo) soggetto;

to poach: (verbo) fare bracconaggio;

prized: (aggettivo) prezioso, pregiato;

reportedly: (avverbio) per quanto riferito;

tawny: (aggettivo) di colore bruno dorato;

tufted: (aggettivo) a ciuffo;

a mane: (sostantivo) una criniera;

an apex predator: un superpredatore;

rosette-shaped: (aggettivo) a forma di rosetta,

a marking: (sostantivo) un marchio;

seldom: (avverbio) raramente, di rado;

to be wary: (verbo) diffidare;

to take flight: (verbo) scappare, darsela a gambe, prendere il volo;

a brush: (sostantivo) boscaglia;

wildlife: (sostantivo) fauna selvatica;

to list: (verbo) elencare.


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